Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thank You

Dear Families,

Today, we got the news that our Donor's Choose project received full funding.  Thank you so much for your excitement, support, and enthusiasm surrounding the project. The students and I are still in disbelief about how quickly the books were funded.  We cannot wait for them to arrive!  

As a thank you to the donors, I posted the following letter on our project page:

Thank you so much for your generous donations.  When I began this project, I would have never guessed how much the community would get involved.  I cannot thank you enough for your time, help, and support.  Your investment in our classroom and our learning means so much to our students and to me.

This year, our classroom has developed a culture of reading.  Our independent reading time is sacred.  Our reading conferences and book talks are revered.  Our reading wish-lists are constantly expanding. Now, with your help, our love of reading will continue to grow.

As I said in the project proposal, I believe that every child is a reader.  Students just need to find the right books to get them hooked on reading.  Your donation will not only provide our students with new books, it will also provide them with new views of themselves, new adventures to partake in, new worlds to explore.

We cannot fully express how much of a difference you have made, but we will try.  Thank you.  You've made our classroom more interesting and more engaging, and you've contributed to our classroom community in ways we have yet to discover.  We are truly lucky to have your support.

Whether or not you were able to donate monetarily, thank you so much for all you do to support our classroom from home.  I feel truly blessed to be able to work with your students each day, and I am so thankful for your help, support, and investment in our learning.

Thank you.  For all you do, and for sharing your student with me.

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