Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Making a Marvelous Classroom Library

Someone once told me that every child is a reader, they just need to find the right book.  My goal this year is to help students discover books that will ignite and keep ablaze their passion for reading.

As this is my first year teaching in McFarland, our classroom library is a work in progress.  I've carted every single young adult book I own to our classroom.  I've ransacked my teenage brothers' rooms asking to borrow their favorite books from middle school.  I've searched through piles of books at thrift stores, and I've begged and borrowed from family and friends.  We have a good beginning, but we could use your help!

Our class needs engaging, exciting, and current young adult novels at their finger tips.  If you have any young adult novels or relevant picture books at home that you would feel comfortable donating to our classroom, we would love to accept your donations!  During the course of the year, if you are looking to contribute to the classroom in some way, books would be a welcome gift.

I believe the best books serve as a window and a mirror.  They allow us to learn about diverse people, places, and times, and yet, they also grant us a glimpse of ourselves.  Books teach us to reflect, to think, to emphasize, and to learn.  Middle school isn't just about meeting standards.  It's about growing.  And that is exactly what the books in our classroom library will help us do.

Thank you so much for your time, support, and consideration.  I look forward to the reading ahead!

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